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The Days Like Weeks, the Weeks Like Days....

 Ok, so here is my first post to my blog from the mission. And by mission, I mean the computer I am sitting at, across from a vending machine, in front of a dryer. I'm a-writing while I launder.
I think it's important to realize my blog won't be as honest as I'm used to being for two reasons: One, I am sitting next to my companion, and two, I'm supposed to be positive. Hence, I may just use more metaphors. But really, it is a completely different lifestyle. I am never alone, and not in the sense of Jesus is always with me, though that's of course there too. No, it's because unless you're in the shower or on the John, someone is beside you or slightly behind or in front of you wherever you go. It's nice because you never have to feel like a loser. It's not so nice when you want a moment to make an annoyed face.
 I have to give myself credit though; I've actually been ridiculously cheerful and upbeat. I'm usually only thinking about church stuff or studying. This isn't because I have magic powers; it's thanks to a little something I call "the Church as a well-oiled machine." There really is not any time to breathe; we jump from one activity to the next. I wake at 6:00 a.m. and go to bed at 10:30 p.m. And I still feel like I'm getting nothing done. And on top of that, I feel like an oversized oompa loompa from all the cafeteria food I'm eating. My companion, Hermana C., has a lot more restraint. But when you can eat a cookie, an ice cream bar, and a plate of enchiladas, well... why not?
I do feel lucky with my language, because I already have had more or less eight years of Spanish study. But speaking it has been interesting. There's so much que no entiendo. Look, I'm speaking (typing) Spanglish already. I better not even know English when I get home or I'm not doing my job right. But being one of two sisters in my particular class, I feel like I have to be that much better; up my game, so to speak. I am a shining star in a sea of teenage testosterone. I knew Sister missionaries would be outnumbered, but jeez... Luckily, they're forced to be nice to us. Some even take our food trays to the wash room for us. What service! But really, most are pretty good. Although some guys would rather sing Antoine Dodson rap than do their computer language study. Oh well. I can't pretend I wasn't amused.
Well, that's all the time we have for today, folks! I have about 3 minutes left of computer time. If you want to see something on my blog, write me with questions. Especially when I get out of Provo and my life is that much more interesting. My email is Oh, and I will have pictures on here again someday. When I actually take some.


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